becoming smokefree

Becoming (and remaining) Smoke-Free
Smoking is more than just a habit; it is a nicotine addiction. Talking to a health care professional about treatment options and support that might be right for you can increase your chances of breaking this addiction and becoming smoke-free.

Tips for Becoming Smoke-Free
Discover when you tend to smoke and what triggers you to want a cigarette. Then figure out ways to avoid those activities or replace the cigarette with something else.
Make your home and car smoke-free to cut down your opportunities to smoke.
Set a quit date and tell as many people as you’re willing to. Then stick to it.
When you’re craving a cigarette, stop and ask yourself whether you can wait. A craving usually only lasts 5 minutes, so try to delay smoking by keeping your hands busy, eating or drinking something (healthy!) or going somewhere else.
Think positively. Give yourself credit for all the cigarettes you haven’t had and remind yourself of the benefits of becoming smoke-free.
Reward yourself when you reach specific goals, such as a week without cigarettes or your first smoke-free month.
Ask for help. Friends, family and support groups can all be useful, and your doctor or other healthcare professional may suggest additional ways to improve your chances of quitting.
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